Optimization of Thin Asphalt Layers -state of the art review

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Ulf Sandberg, Jørgen Kragh, Luc Goubert, Hans Bendtsen, Anneleen Bergiers, Krishna P. Biligiri, Robert Karlsson, Erik Nielsen, Erik Olesen, Stefan Vansteenkiste
Nama Penerbit
Tahun Terbit
April 2011
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This study was limited to thin asphalt mixtures with a maximum thickness of 30 mm, which means that surface dressings or slurry seals were outside the scope of the project. Neither were top layers of double-layer porous pavements considered as TAL, even though such top layers often are 20-30 mm thick.

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Optimization of Thin Asphalt Layers -state of the art review

This study was limited to thin asphalt mixtures with a maximum thickness of 30 mm, which means that surface dressings or slurry seals were outside the scope of the project. Neither were top layers of double-layer porous pavements considered as TAL, even though such top layers often are 20-30 mm thick.

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