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Although Jakarta’s 2010 published per capita water consumption of 78 litres/day3 looks quite good as compared to the average for 22 other Asian Cities (278 litres/person/day), it does not portray the entire picture. It represents only the total volume of water sold by the water company, which does not serve 46% of Jakarta’s water needs. This shortfall is mostly met by extracting ground water. An unauthorised water supply system supplies bottled ground water to a large segment of the market. About 70% of households depend on ground water supply.Although Jakarta’s 2010 published per capita water consumption of 78 litres/day3 looks quite good as compared to the average for 22 other Asian Cities (278 litres/person/day), it does not portray the entire picture. It represents only the total volume of water sold by the water company, which does not serve 46% of Jakarta’s water needs. This shortfall is mostly met by extracting ground water. An unauthorised water supply system supplies bottled ground water to a large segment of the market.About 70% of households depend on ground water supply.
Although Jakarta’s 2010 published per capita water consumption of 78 litres/day3 looks quite good as compared to the average for 22 other Asian Cities (278 litres/person/day), it does not portray the entire picture. It represents only the total volume of water sold by the water company, which does not serve 46% of Jakarta’s water needs. This shortfall is mostly met by extracting ground water. An unauthorised water supply system supplies bottled ground water to a large segment of the market. About 70% of households depend on ground water supply.Although Jakarta’s 2010 published per capita water consumption of 78 litres/day3 looks quite good as compared to the average for 22 other Asian Cities (278 litres/person/day), it does not portray the entire picture. It represents only the total volume of water sold by the water company, which does not serve 46% of Jakarta’s water needs. This shortfall is mostly met by extracting ground water. An unauthorised water supply system supplies bottled ground water to a large segment of the market.About 70% of households depend on ground water supply.