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This paper assesses the urban future of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), currently home to 59% of the national population, from the perspective of mega-trends that are dramatically affecting the country. These mega-trends include: (i) urban demographic decline and aging; (ii) changes in the structure of urban economies with the shift to a more innovation and consumer-oriented economy; (iii) shifts in consumer preferences, such as the increased desire of Chinese people (particularly millennials) to live in high amenity cities and neighborhoods; (iv) climate change; (v) technological innovation related to smart cities and autonomous vehicles; and (vi) the changing rural context.
This paper assesses the urban future of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), currently home to 59% of the national population, from the perspective of mega-trends that are dramatically affecting the country. These mega-trends include: (i) urban demographic decline and aging; (ii) changes in the structure of urban economies with the shift to a more innovation and consumer-oriented economy; (iii) shifts in consumer preferences, such as the increased desire of Chinese people (particularly millennials) to live in high amenity cities and neighborhoods; (iv) climate change; (v) technological innovation related to smart cities and autonomous vehicles; and (vi) the changing rural context.