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In Germany, diamond grinding is frequently used to improve the evenness and skid resistance of concrete pavement surfaces. Since diamond grinding has been observed to affect tyre / pavement noise emission favourably, the relationship between surface texture, concrete composition and noise emission of concrete pavement surfaces has been systematically investigated. The simulation program SPERoN was used in a parameter study to investigate the main factors which affect noise emission. Based on the results of the simulations, textured concrete surfaces were produced using a laboratory grinding machine. As well as the composition of the concrete, the thickness and spacing of the diamond blades were varied.
In Germany, diamond grinding is frequently used to improve the evenness and skid resistance of concrete pavement surfaces. Since diamond grinding has been observed to affect tyre / pavement noise emission favourably, the relationship between surface texture, concrete composition and noise emission of concrete pavement surfaces has been systematically investigated. The simulation program SPERoN was used in a parameter study to investigate the main factors which affect noise emission. Based on the results of the simulations, textured concrete surfaces were produced using a laboratory grinding machine. As well as the composition of the concrete, the thickness and spacing of the diamond blades were varied. The ability of the textured surfaces to reduce noise emission was assessed from the texture characteristics and the air flow resistance of textured surfaces measured in the laboratory. It was found that concrete composition and, in particular, the spacing of the blades affected the reduction in noise emission considerably. The noise emission behaviour of numerous road sections was also considered in field investigations. The pavement surfaces had been textured by diamond grinding during the last years or decades. The results show that diamond grinding is able to provide good, durable noise-reducing properties. Several new pavement sections were investigated using thicknesses and spacings of the blades similar to those used in the laboratory to optimize noise emission reduction. It is concluded that diamond grinding is a good alternative to exposed aggregate concrete for the production of lownoise pavement surfaces.