NBS BIM Object Standard

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NBS BIM Object Standard

At NBS, we recognized that the lack of an industry-wide standard for BIM objects was a barrier to the successful adoption of BIM. Therefore, by defining what constitutes a high-quality BIM object and providing consistency in the content and structure of these objects, the NBS BIM Object Standard will play a major role in assisting organizations to standardize their BIM approach. The construction industry needs access to BIM objects that can be relied upon. Product data is also required at the right levels of information with the appropriate geometry. The BIM landscape is rapidly evolving, and NBS is at the forefront of this evolution. We understand that the market needs good quality BIM objects, and the introduction of the NBS BIM Object Standard means that manufacturers or designers creating their own objects for practice and project-specific purposes can now do so to a common standard, enabling greater collaboration, efficiency and more meaningful information exchange

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