Multi Criteria Decision Analysis for use un Transport Decision Making

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Barfod, Michael Bruhn; Leleur, Steen
Nama Penerbit
DTU Library
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

The Paper consist The output of the decision conference is a set of criteria and criteria weights together with assessments of the alternatives with respect to each criterion. The set of criteria and the assessments of alternatives can be seen as the more objective part of the decision problem and defining the decision space, in fact this step can be assessed by experts who have no what so ever interest in the project assessed (Hyde et al., 2005). However the setting of the criteria weights opens up the analysis to a more certain amount of subjectivity (Zietsman et al., 2006) and each setting defines a specific subset of the decision space.

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Multi Criteria Decision Analysis for use un Transport Decision Making

The Paper consist of the decision conference is a set of criteria and criteria weights together with assessments of the alternatives with respect to each criterion. The set of criteria and the assessments of alternatives can be seen as the more objective part of the decision problem and defining the decision space, in fact this step can be assessed by experts who have no what so ever interest in the project assessed (Hyde et al., 2005). However the setting of the criteria weights opens up the analysis to a more certain amount of subjectivity (Zietsman et al., 2006) and each setting defines a specific subset of the decision space.

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