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Photocatalytic compounds have the potential to remove harmful air pollutants from urban areas. The objective of this study is to evaluate three methods of application for TiO2—a cement-based thin coating, a water-based titanium dioxide solution (referred to in this paper as PT), and a sprinkling of TiO2 – to the fresh concrete surface before hardening. On the other hand, results of the rotary abrasion test indicate that the use of a thin coating would be more susceptible to abrasion than the photocatalysis compounds applied using the sprinkling method or using the PT product. The highest NO removal efficiency in the rotary abrasion state was measured for the coating with 5% TiO2. Results of SEM and EDS analyses show that the samples treated with the PT product had a more uniform distribution and a higher concentration of TiO2 than the samples treated with the sprinkling method. This may explain the greater NO removal efficiency observed in the samples treated with the PT product.
Photocatalytic compounds have the potential to remove harmful air pollutants from urban areas. The objective of this study is to evaluate three methods of application for TiO2—a cement-based thin coating, a water-based titanium dioxide solution (referred to in this paper as PT), and a sprinkling of TiO2 – to the fresh concrete surface before hardening. On the other hand, results of the rotary abrasion test indicate that the use of a thin coating would be more susceptible to abrasion than the photocatalysis compounds applied using the sprinkling method or using the PT product. The highest NO removal efficiency in the rotary abrasion state was measured for the coating with 5% TiO2. Results of SEM and EDS analyses show that the samples treated with the PT product had a more uniform distribution and a higher concentration of TiO2 than the samples treated with the sprinkling method. This may explain the greater NO removal efficiency observed in the samples treated with the PT product.