Materials Selection in Mechanical Design

Habis terjual
ISBN 0 7506 6168 2
Kode Buku
ISBN 0 7506 6168 2
Nama Pengarang
Michael F. Ashby
Nama Penerbit
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This book is about mechanical design, and the role of materials in it. Mechanical components have mass; they carry loads; they conduct heat and electricity; they are exposed to wear and to corrosive environments; they are made of one or more materials; they have shape; and they must be manufactured. The book describes how these activities are related.

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Materials Selection in Mechanical Design Third Edition Chapter 1-9
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design Third Edition Chapter 10-18
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design Third Edition Appendix

This book is about mechanical design, and the role of materials in it. Mechanical components have mass; they carry loads; they conduct heat and electricity; they are exposed to wear and to corrosive environments; they are made of one or more materials; they have shape; and they must be manufactured. The book describes how these activities are related.

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