Managing The Transition To A Low-Carbon Economy: Perspectives, Policies, And Practices From Asia

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ISBN 978-4-89974-058-2
Nama Pengarang
Asian Development Bank Institute
Nama Penerbit
Asian Development Bank Institute
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

The challenge for developing Asia is to maintain economic growth while reducing the carbon content of energy and increasing the efficiency of resource use. The way in which Asia manages its future developmental activities in a low-carbon resource-efficient way is critically important, as the world increasingly looks to Asia for its growth. Asia can also be a model for measures to mitigate climate change

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Managing The Transition To A Low-Carbon Economy: Perspectives, Policies, And Practices From Asia

The challenge for developing Asia is to maintain economic growth while reducing the carbon content of energy and increasing the efficiency of resource use. The way in which Asia manages its future developmental activities in a low-carbon resource-efficient way is critically important, as the world increasingly looks to Asia for its growth. Asia can also be a model for measures to mitigate climate change

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