Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Portland Cement Concrete Pavement

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
William James Wilde, Steve Waalkes, and Rob Harrison
Nama Penerbit
Federal Highway Administration
Tahun Terbit
January 1998
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This report describes the development of a new life cycle cost analysis methodology for portland cement concrete pavements — one that considers all aspects of pavement design, construction, maintenance, and user impacts throughout the analysis period. It predicts pavement performance using state-of-the-art performance models and reliability concepts, from which it determines maintenance and rehabilitation needs.Many existing life cycle cost methodologies utilize preprogrammed maintenance and rehabilitation actions to determine the total life cycle cost of a particular alternative. This new methodology, however, determines when maintenance and rehabilitation activities will be required by predicting the distresses and the condition of the pavement following traffic and environmental loading.

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Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Portland Cement Concrete Pavement

This report describes the development of a new life cycle cost analysis methodology for portland cement concrete pavements — one that considers all aspects of pavement design, construction, maintenance, and user impacts throughout the analysis period. It predicts pavement performance using state-of-the-art performance models and reliability concepts, from which it determines maintenance and rehabilitation needs.Many existing life cycle cost methodologies utilize preprogrammed maintenance and rehabilitation actions to determine the total life cycle cost of a particular alternative. This new methodology, however, determines when maintenance and rehabilitation activities will be required by predicting the distresses and the condition of the pavement following traffic and environmental loading.

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