Land readjustment in dempasar, Indonesia : effects on land management, the spatial distribution of land prices and the sustainable development goals

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Nama Pengarang
Felipe Francisco De Souza and Hideki Koizumi
Nama Penerbit
Asian Development Bank Institute
Tahun Terbit
June 2020
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This work discusses an important aspect attributed to land readjustment: that is, landowners have an incentive to provide a land contribution to increase public spaces, because their net land price likely increases after the urbanization process.

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Land readjustment in dempasar, Indonesia : effects on land management, the spatial distribution of land prices and the sustainable development goals

This work discusses an important aspect attributed to land readjustment: that is, landowners have an incentive to provide a land contribution to increase public spaces, because their net land price likely increases after the urbanization process.

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