Land Pooling In South Asia: Lessons Learned For Equitable, Paticipatory, and Inclusive Urban Expansion

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ISSN 2313-5867
Nama Pengarang
Shirley Ballaney, Amy Faust, Ramesh C. Swarankar, and Saswati Ghosh Belliappa
Nama Penerbit
Asian Development Bank
Tahun Terbit
January 2022
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This working paper is the third and final piece in a series of studies on land pooling in South Asia undertaken by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) from 2019 to 2020. The goal of the threepart series was to examine lessons across the region in addressing low-density urban sprawl. The series was driven by interest from South Asian national governments in scaling up land pooling for sustainable urban development that increases social welfare and is financially feasible. The first two papers took indepth looks at implementation experiences in Nepal and Bhutan.

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Land Pooling In South Asia: Lessons Learned For Equitable, Paticipatory, and Inclusive Urban Expansion

This working paper is the third and final piece in a series of studies on land pooling in South Asia undertaken by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) from 2019 to 2020. The goal of the threepart series was to examine lessons across the region in addressing low-density urban sprawl. The series was driven by interest from South Asian national governments in scaling up land pooling for sustainable urban development that increases social welfare and is financially feasible. The first two papers took indepth looks at implementation experiences in Nepal and Bhutan.

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