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The PERSUADE project aims at developing the experimental concept of poroelastic road surfacing (PERS) into a feasible noise-abatement measure as an alternative to, for example, noise barriers. It is expected that PERS may provide substantially higher noise reductions than the best of conventional paving materials. The specific feature of this new type of road surfacing is that it includes a substantial proportion of rubber granules from recycled car tires bound with a synthetic resin, such as polyurethane.
The PERSUADE project aims at developing the experimental concept of poroelastic road surfacing (PERS) into a feasible noise-abatement measure as an alternative to, for example, noise barriers. It is expected that PERS may provide substantially higher noise reductions than the best of conventional paving materials. The specific feature of this new type of road surfacing is that it includes a substantial proportion of rubber granules from recycled car tyres bound with a synthetic resin, such as polyurethane.