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It is clear the water problems in Jakarta needed to be addressed by an integrated approach of appropriate utilization & management of surface water, ground water & rain, waste treated water.
Water is an essential resource for life and good health, but about a third of the global population does not have access to clean water to meet its daily needs. Although a large portion of our planet contains water, most of it is salty and thus not consumable. Freshwater comprises only 2.5% of the total water on earth, 70% of which is locked in glaciers and permanent snow cover. This limited sources combined with massive global demand of fresh water has led to global water scarcity.
It is clear the water problems in Jakarta needed to be addressed by an integrated approach of appropriate utilization & management of surface water, ground water & rain, waste treated water.
This code attempts to address the water related challenges in Jakarta by:
• Reducing the demand for municipal and ground water (through efficient fixtures, rainwater harvesting and recycling).
• Reducing the runoff (through rainwater collection and absorption wells).