Jakarta Green Building User Guide : Volume 4 - Electricity System and Vertical Transportation

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Dinas Pengawasan dan Penertiban Bangunan
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Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Electrical power system transports the electricity generated at the source (typically power plants) and supplies it to buildings and its individual systems, such as lighting, cooling, appliances and ventilation.A majority of the consumption losses are due to use of energy saving equipment or systems when they are not needed. For example, it is quite common to see lights and airconditioning being left on in unoccupied rooms. Automating the controls to partially or fully shutdown systems that are not needed can be a significant energy saving measure.A big hurdle to energy conservation in a large building is the lack of information of the energy being consumed by various systems, such as lighting, cooling and elevators, in a building. This information can inform a building manager about the consumption patterns and behaviours, and help identify energy and water wastage quickly.

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Jakarta Green Building User Guide : Volume 4 - Electricity System and Vertical Transportation

Electrical power system transports the electricity generated at the source (typically power plants) and supplies it to buildings and its individual systems, such as lighting, cooling, appliances and ventilation.A majority of the consumption losses are due to use of energy saving equipment or systems when they are not needed. For example, it is quite common to see lights and airconditioning being left on in unoccupied rooms. Automating the controls to partially or fully shutdown systems that are not needed can be a significant energy saving measure.A big hurdle to energy conservation in a large building is the lack of information of the energy being consumed by various systems, such as lighting, cooling and elevators, in a building. This information can inform a building manager about the consumption patterns and behaviours, and help identify energy and water wastage quickly.

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