Jakarta Green Building User Guide Volume 3 Lighting System

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Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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Buku Elektronik

Careful design, efficient fixtures and good controls have the potential to reduce the total energy in Jakarta buildings by up to 10%. Implementation of the code requirements are expected to save lighting as well as cooling energy, while improving the visual environment inside the buildings.

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Jakarta Green Building User Guide Volume 3 Lighting System

Light is a necessity for performing tasks and for creating visual comfort. Light from the sun and sky have been the primary sources of light till recent times. Even now, most of our lighting needs can be met by diffused natural light (daylight) if the building is designed accordingly.

However, electric lighting cannot be avoided during hours when dayligh is not available, or in spaces without daylight access.

Careful design, efficient fixtures and good controls have the potential to reduce the total energy in Jakarta buildings by up to 10%. Implementation of the code requirements are expected to save lighting as well as cooling energy, while improving the visual environment inside the buildings.

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