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This dissertation is compiled of the findings of several phases of a detailed research study that was aimed at investigating the Skid Resistance phenomenon. In the first phase of the dissertation research, a study was performed to evaluate the different factors that influence frictional measurements obtained using the Dynamic Friction Tester (DFT). A temperature calibration factor that would account for temperature effects on DFT readings and IFI computations was developed. In addition, other variables that also affect the friction measurements obtained using the DFT are identified.
This dissertation is compiled of the findings of several phases of a detailed research study that was aimed at investigating the Skid Resistance phenomenon. In the first phase of the dissertation research a study was performed to evaluate the different factors that influence frictional measurements obtained using the Dynamic Friction Tester (DFT). A temperature calibration factor that would account for temperature effects on DFT readings and IFI computations was developed. In addition, other variables that also affect the friction measurements obtained using the DFT are identified. In the next phase of the dissertation research the effect of pavement roughness on the Skid Resistance was investigated. The variation of the normal load and its nonlinear relation to SN was used to explain lower SN values measured on relatively rougher surfaces. The feasibility of using the International Roughness Index (IRI) and the Dynamic Load Coefficient (DLC) as predictors of the reduction in SN due to pavement roughness was also investigated.