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The incorporation of full-depth colored concrete into street and roadway projects has been rapidly increasing in Minnesota. Some of these projects have exhibited significant early distresses, particularly near contraction joints. The first objective of this project was to identify any materials, design, or construction methods unique to colored concrete that may contribute to the early deterioration observed in colored concrete pavements, sidewalks and medians in Minnesota. The second objective included developing recommendations for improved specifications for materials, mix designs, and construction practices for colored concrete in cold climates. Finally, recommendations were made for suitable repair and rehabilitation techniques or alternative construction systems that might provide more durable, longerlasting colored concrete features in Minnesota. Many projects exhibited panel cracking, either a result of possible thermal expansion restraint or potentially some expansive materials related issues
The incorporation of full-depth colored concrete into street and roadway projects has been rapidly increasing in Minnesota. Some of these projects have exhibited significant early distresses, particularly near contraction joints. The first objective of this project was to identify any materials, design, or construction methods unique to colored concrete that may contribute to the early deterioration observed in colored concrete pavements, sidewalks and medians in Minnesota. The second objective included developing recommendations for improved specifications for materials, mix designs, and construction practices for colored concrete in cold climates. Finally, recommendations were made for suitable repair and rehabilitation techniques or alternative construction systems that might provide more durable, longerlasting colored concrete features in Minnesota. Many projects exhibited panel cracking, either a result of possible thermal expansion restraint or potentially some expansive materials related issues