Interim guide for optimum joint performance of concrete pavements

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Peter Taylor, Robert Otto Rasmussen, Helga Torres, Gary Fick, Dale Harrington, Tom Cackler
Nama Penerbit
Institute for Transportation Iowa State University
Tahun Terbit
June 2012
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

The purpose of this guide is to help practitioners understand how to optimize concrete pavement joint performance through the identification, mitigation, and prevention of joint deterioration. It summarizes current knowledge from research and practice to help practitioners access the latest knowledge and implement proven techniques.

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Interim guide for optimum joint performance of concrete pavements

The purpose of this guide is to help practitioners understand how to optimize concrete pavement joint performance through the identification, mitigation, and prevention of joint deterioration. It summarizes current knowledge from research and practice to help practitioners access the latest knowledge and implement proven techniques.

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