Innovative measures for infrastructure investments : Illustrating land trust scheme and spillover effect

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Naoyuki Yoshino, KE Seetha Ram, Satoshi Miyazawa, and Kai Xu
Nama Penerbit
Asian Development Bank Institute
Tahun Terbit
December 2019
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This paper investigates the potential application of the land trust scheme, which Japan has used extensively for the construction of commercial buildings in the infrastructure field. The land trust scheme calls for cooperation between infrastructure stakeholders to achieve a win-win outcome.

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Innovative measures for infrastructure investments : Illustrating land trust scheme and spillover effect

This paper investigates the potential application of the land trust scheme, which Japan has used extensively for the construction of commercial buildings in the infrastructure field. The land trust scheme calls for cooperation between infrastructure stakeholders to achieve a win-win outcome.

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