Infrastructure’s Role In Lowering Asia’s Trade Costs

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ISBN 978 1 84844 162 0
Nama Pengarang
Douglas H. Brooks, David Hummels
Nama Penerbit
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Infrastructure services can reduce distribution margins, narrowing the gap between prices faced by producers and consumers, and thereby facilitating welfare improvements for both. On the supply side, the expansion or quality improvement of infrastructure services can lower marginal costs, raising the minimum efficient scale of production, transportation, or marketing.

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Infrastructure’s Role In Lowering Asia’s Trade Costs

Infrastructure services can reduce distribution margins, narrowing the gap between prices faced by producers and consumers, and thereby facilitating welfare improvements for both. On the supply side, the expansion or quality improvement of infrastructure services can lower marginal costs, raising the minimum efficient scale of production, transportation, or marketing.

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