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In this paper, the influence of micro-cracks on the composite electrical response of ECC under direct tension is investigated experimentally as well as analytically. For this purpose, the electrical–mechanical properties of two ECCs with different crack patterns are compared at the macro (composite) and meso (single-crack) scales. An analytical model linking the single-crack electrical response and crack pattern of an ECC to its composite electrical behavior is proposed in this study and verified for both ECCs with experimental observations. Thus, a fundamental understanding of crack patterns and their effects on the piezoresistivity of ECC is developed in this study
In this paper, the influence of micro-cracks on the composite electrical response of ECC under direct tension is investigated experimentally as well as analytically. For this purpose, the electrical–mechanical properties of two ECCs with different crack patterns are compared at the macro (composite) and meso (single-crack) scales. An analytical model linking the single-crack electrical response and crack pattern of an ECC to its composite electrical behavior is proposed in this study and verified for both ECCs with experimental observations. Thus, a fundamental understanding of crack patterns and their effects on the piezoresistivity of ECC is developed in this study