Identifying the mostsuitable machine learning approach for a road digital twin

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Chen K, Eskandari Torbaghan M, Chu M, Zhang L and Garcia-Hernández A
Nama Penerbit
ICE Publishing
Tahun Terbit
21 April 2022
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This paper provides a systematic literature review of machine learning algorithms used for road condition predictions and discusses findings within the road digital twin framework. The results show that existing machine learning approaches suitable and mature for stipulating successful road digital twin development. Moreover, the review, while identifying gaps in the literature, indicates several considerations and recommendations required on the journey to road digital twins and suggests multiple future research directions based on the review summaries of machine learning capabilities

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Identifying the mostsuitable machine learning approach for a road digital twin

This paper provides a systematic literature review of machine learning algorithms used for road condition predictions and discusses findings within the road digital twin framework. The results show that existing machine learning approaches suitable and mature for stipulating successful road digital twin development. Moreover, the review, while identifying gaps in the literature, indicates several considerations and recommendations required on the journey to road digital twins and suggests multiple future research directions based on the review summaries of machine learning capabilities

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