Housing Turning Squatters into Stakeholders

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ISBN-13: 978-981-4510-12-2
Nama Pengarang
Centre for Liveable Cities, Housing and Development Board
Nama Penerbit
Cengage Learning Asia
Tahun Terbit
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Buku Elektronik
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Housing Turning Squatters into Stakeholders

Housing: Turning Squatters into Stakeholders, is a study spanning more than five decades. Starting with an elaboration on the housing situation in Singapore in the 1950s, it provides a comprehensive account of the key facets of the public housing programme, covering areas like land use planning, design and construction of  ats, redevelopment programmes as well as the formulation and implementation of various housing policies. More interestingly, it also enlightens the reader on the thinkingbehind the key policies that pillar the public housing programme. All in all, this insightful study is a journey through Singapore’s ever-evolving public housing landscape.

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