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It is the purpose of this report to document the current status of the TE-30 projects and the Field Trials of Concrete Pavement Product and Process Technology sections as well. The authors have also attempted to describe anticipated results from the TE-30 program and to recommend relevant future research activities. Chapters 2 through 39 of this report summarize each individual project included to date, describing the goals of the project, the design features being evaluated, and any preliminary results or products.
It is the purpose of this report to document the current status of the TE-30 projects and the Field Trials of Concrete Pavement Product and Process Technology sections as well. The authors have also attempted to describe anticipated results from the TE-30 program and to recommend relevant future research activities. Chapters 2 through 39 of this report summarize each individual project included to date, describing the goals of the project, the design features being evaluated, and any preliminary results or products.