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In the last 5 decades, evolution in rail transport has given birth to highspeed rail (HSR), marking the “second age of rail.” During this time, HSR networks have grown rapidly, reducing the travel time between cities in East Asia and Central Asia while connecting countries in Europe and shrinking the time-space geography of the continents. As a form of infrastructure, HSR is inevitably tied to an intricate web that overlaps urban–regional functions and the geographic expanses of human life.
In the last 5 decades, evolution in rail transport has given birth to highspeed rail (HSR), marking the “second age of rail.” During this time, HSR networks have grown rapidly, reducing the travel time between cities in East Asia and Central Asia while connecting countries in Europe and shrinking the time-space geography of the continents. As a form of infrastructure, HSR is inevitably tied to an intricate web that overlaps urban–regional functions and the geographic expanses of human life.