Handbook of Concrete Engineering Second Edition

Habis terjual
ISBN 0-442-22623-3
Kode Buku
ISBN 0-442-22623-3
Nama Pengarang
Mark Fintel
Nama Penerbit
Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc.
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This handbook contains up-to-date information on planning, design, analysis, and construction of engineered concrete structures. Its intention is to provide engineers, architects, contractors, and students of civil engineering and architecture with authoritative practical design information.

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Handbook of Concrete Engineering Second Edition Chapter 1-5
Handbook of Concrete Engineering Second Edition Chapter 6-10
Handbook of Concrete Engineering Second Edition Chapter 11-15
Handbook of Concrete Engineering Second Edition Chapter 16-20
Handbook of Concrete Engineering Second Edition Chapter 21-Index

This handbook contains up-to-date information on planning, design, analysis, and construction of engineered concrete structures. Its intention is to provide engineers, architects, contractors, and students of civil engineering and architecture with authoritative practical design information.

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