Guildelines for teh design of semirigid long life pavements

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Nama Pengarang
David Hernando , Miguel A. del Val
Nama Penerbit
Elsevier B.V.
Tahun Terbit
March 2016
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Pavement distress leads to frequent rehabilitation that increases the global cost of pavement sections. A clear understanding of distress mechanisms is the cornerstone for extending pavement service life. The overall objective of this study was to provide guidance for the design of semi-rigid long-life pavements. The potential distress mechanisms in semi-rigid pavements were revisited in order to synthesize the primary factors affecting performance.

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Guildelines for teh design of semirigid long life pavements

Pavement distress leads to frequent rehabilitation that increases the global cost of pavement sections. A clear understanding of distress mechanisms is the cornerstone for extending pavement service life. The overall objective of this study was to provide guidance for the design of semi-rigid long-life pavements. The potential distress mechanisms in semi-rigid pavements were revisited in order to synthesize the primary factors affecting performance.

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