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These guidelines were prepared from research conducted for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) on two projects. The current project, which determined the distresses and categories, was project 0- 5821 “Develop Guidelines for Routine Maintenance of Concrete Pavements” (Jung, Freeman, and Zollinger 2008) and the CD ROM prepared by Scullion, Coppock, and C. Von Holdt, “Development of a Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Training CD ROM,” Texas Department of Transportation, August 2006.
These guidelines were prepared from research conducted for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) on two projects. The current project, which determined the distresses and categories, was project 0- 5821 “Develop Guidelines for Routine Maintenance of Concrete Pavements” (Jung, Freeman, and Zollinger 2008) and the CD ROM prepared by Scullion, Coppock, and C. Von Holdt, “Development of a Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Training CD ROM,” Texas Department of Transportation, August 2006.