Bridge Management System Guidelines for Preparation of Specifications

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betaGuidelines for Preparation of Specifications
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Ministry of Public Works Republic of Indonesia
Nama Penerbit
Directorate General of Highways
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Guidelines procedures that contains preparation of specifications and contracts that aim to prepare and collect documents as a uniform contractual basis throughout Indonesia. Contains a manual equipped with special specifications, drawings, as well as a schedule of prepared offers for each project so that it can explain the standards in the part of making bridgeworks.

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Guidelines for Preparation of Specifications Bridge Management System
Disediakan oleh Depo Bangunan:

Guidelines procedures that contains preparation of specifications and contracts that aim to prepare and collect documents as a uniform contractual basis throughout Indonesia. Contains a manual equipped with special specifications, drawings, as well as a schedule of prepared offers for each project so that it can explain the standards in the part of making bridgeworks.

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