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This paper presents the results of laboratory tests on photocatalytic pavement blocks from a bicycle lane in Poland after seven years of service. Air purification performance was tested on dusty and clean samples using different light sources and setups, with non-laminar gas circulation. Secondary Electrons Secondary Ions (SESI) and InLens detectors combined with SEM–EDS and X-ray analyses were applied to confirm the presence of TiO2 in the studied blocks. The obtained results show that TiO2 was present in the form of agglomerates with a diameter of 0.25–5 µm and was bonded to the cement matrix components. The tested samples still maintained nitric oxide (NO) removal capability with a NO reduction rate of 4–45%, depending on light source and surface cleanliness.
This paper presents the results of laboratory tests on photocatalytic pavement blocks from a bicycle lane in Poland after seven years of service. Air purification performance was tested on dusty and clean samples using different light sources and setups, with non-laminar gas circulation. Secondary Electrons Secondary Ions (SESI) and InLens detectors combined with SEM–EDS and X-ray analyses were applied to confirm the presence of TiO2 in the studied blocks. The obtained results show that TiO2 was present in the form of agglomerates with a diameter of 0.25–5 µm and was bonded to the cement matrix components. The tested samples still maintained nitric oxide (NO) removal capability with a NO reduction rate of 4–45%, depending on light source and surface cleanliness.