Greenroads Manual

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University of Washington
Nama Penerbit
University of Washington
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This Greenroads Manual contains ALL of the finer details of each Project Requirement (PR) and Voluntary Credit (VC) currently included in the Greenroads Rating System.

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Greenroads Manual

This Greenroads Manual contains ALL of the finer details of each Project Requirement (PR) and Voluntary Credit (VC) currently included in the Greenroads Rating System. You can use this document as a reference guide while you proceed through the design and construction phases of your Greenroads projects. For each PR and VC, this Manual provides the goal, what needs to be done to meet that goal, the documentation to prove those thingswere done, benefits, sustainability components addressed (Ecology, Economy, Equity, Extent, Expectations, Experience and Exposure), strategies, helpful examples and a supporting body of research and references to helpyou along the way.

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