Geotechnics of Roads : Fundamentals

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Nama Pengarang
Bernardo Caicedo
Nama Penerbit
Taylor and Francis Group
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Buku Elektronik

This book focuses on flexible pavements and unpaved roads since the geotechnical behavior of all the constituent materials and the supporting soil is crucial to the performance of these structures. The behavior of bituminous materials, which is also decisive for the behavior of flexible pavements, is outside of the scope of this book. This topic is analyzed in other technical publication

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Geotechnics of Roads : Fundamentals

This book focuses on flexible pavements and unpaved roads since the geotechnical behavior of all the constituent materials and the supporting soil is crucial to the performance of these structures. The behavior of bituminous materials, which is also decisive for the behavior of flexible pavements, is outside of the scope of this book. This topic is analyzed in other technical publication

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