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Recent developments for measurement and analysis of machine power response caused by changes in physical soil properties have the potential to change completely the future of earthwork construction. A technique in which a self-propelled sheepsfoot roller was used to compact cohesive soils was developed, field pilot studies were then conducted. Results from field tests using conventional testing techniques (nuclear moisture–density gauge, dynamic cone penetrometer, drive core, and Clegg impact hammer) showed strong correlations to machine power (r2 > 0.9) when data were averaged over a 20-m test strip
Recent developments for measurement and analysis of machine power response caused by changes in physical soil properties have the potential to change completely the future of earthwork construction. A technique in which a self-propelled sheepsfoot roller was used to compact cohesive soils was developed, field pilot studies were then conducted. Results from field tests using conventional testing techniques (nuclear moisture–density gauge, dynamic cone penetrometer, drive core, and Clegg impact hammer) showed strong correlations to machine power (r2 > 0.9) when data were averaged over a 20-m test strip