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High-speed rail (HSR) operation started in Japan in 1964 with a link between Tokyo and Osaka. In the next decades, many countries followed, and the HSR length grew worldwide from the initial 515 kilometers (km) to 56,129 km under operation and 22,562 km under construction (UIC 2021a, 2021b). Plans exist for about 40,000 km more, and the latent demand can be estimated even higher considering the missing HSR implementation in North America, Latin America, and Africa.
High-speed rail (HSR) operation started in Japan in 1964 with a link between Tokyo and Osaka. In the next decades, many countries followed, and the HSR length grew worldwide from the initial 515 kilometers (km) to 56,129 km under operation and 22,562 km under construction (UIC 2021a, 2021b). Plans exist for about 40,000 km more, and the latent demand can be estimated even higher considering the missing HSR implementation in North America, Latin America, and Africa.