Financing Infrastructure In Asia And The Pacific: Capturing Impacts And New Sources

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Kode Buku
ISBN 978-4-89974-072-8
Nama Pengarang
Naoyuki Yoshino, Matthias Helble, and Umid Abidhadjaev
Nama Penerbit
Asian Development Bank Institute
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Economic growth and investment in infrastructure go hand in hand. A growing economy needs constantly improved infrastructure to ensure that the production and exchange of goods and services happens as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Investment in infrastructure itself contributes to economic growth and can provide ample employment opportunities.

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Financing Infrastructure In Asia And The Pacific: Capturing Impacts And New Sources

Economic growth and investment in infrastructure go hand in hand. A growing economy needs constantly improved infrastructure to ensure that the production and exchange of goods and services happens as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Investment in infrastructure itself contributes to economic growth and can provide ample employment opportunities.

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