Falling Weight Deflectometer and plate load test : direct and indirect comparative testing

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Plate load test is a widely used method in Latvia both in quality control and in the road design process. This test is performed according to the standard DIN 18134. Such test usually takes at least 30 minutes and requires a certain load weight. Considering the relatively long time needed for this test, alternatives were sought and a potential alternative was defined to perform testing with Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD). In order to check this assumption both direct and indirect testing was performed and the correlation between the results of both tests was defined

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Falling Weight Deflectometer and plate load test : direct and indirect comparative testing

Plate load test is a widely used method in Latvia both in quality control and in the road design process. This test is performed according to the standard DIN 18134. Such test usually takes at least 30 minutes and requires a certain load weight. Considering the relatively long time needed for this test, alternatives were sought and a potential alternative was defined to perform testing with Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD). In order to check this assumption both direct and indirect testing was performed and the correlation between the results of both tests was defined

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