Exploring Strategies for Planned Urban Cluster Development in South Asia

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Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Shikha Jha, Sangeetha Raghuram, and Siddhant Awasthi
Nama Penerbit
Asian Development Bank
Tahun Terbit
April 2019
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Cities attract people from smaller towns and rural areas alike, offering the hope for a better and more prosperous life. Larger cities are more diverse in size and scope, have more establishments and functions, and offer more jobs and better amenities. Resource sharing, more learning opportunities, innovative activities, ability to attract and retain talent and financial capital, and better matching of jobs with workers drive productivity and the well-being of citizens.

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Exploring Strategies for Planned Urban Cluster Development in South Asia

Cities attract people from smaller towns and rural areas alike, offering the hope for a better and more prosperous life. Larger cities are more diverse in size and scope, have more establishments and functions, and offer more jobs and better amenities. Resource sharing, more learning opportunities, innovative activities, ability to attract and retain talent and financial capital, and better matching of jobs with workers drive productivity and the well-being of citizens.

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