Expansion of soils containing sodium sulfate caused by drop in ambient temperatures

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AS EARLY AS 1960 it was recognized that soils containing a high concentration of water-soluble sulfates exhibit an expansive phenomenon resembling that of expansive clays and frost heave. This condition was observed particularly in alluvial deposits in the flat arid areas of southern Nevada and southeastern California. The expansion of these soils occurs during ambient temperature drops from daytime temperatures of approximately 90 F to below 40 F at night. This expansion caused structural damage to lightweight single-story homes in particular and to interior concrete floors, exterior flat work, and asphalt driveway

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Expansion of soils containing sodium sulfate caused by drop in ambient temperatures

AS EARLY AS 1960 it was recognized that soils containing a high concentration of water-soluble sulfates exhibit an expansive phenomenon resembling that of expansive clays and frost heave. This condition was observed particularly in alluvial deposits in the flat arid areas of southern Nevada and southeastern California. The expansion of these soils occurs during ambient temperature drops from daytime temperatures of approximately 90 F to below 40 F at night. This expansion caused structural damage to lightweight single-story homes in particular and to interior concrete floors, exterior flat work, and asphalt driveway

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