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Quiet pavement is designed specifically to reduce highway noise. Many factors play a role in the generation of sound due to tire-pavement interaction. These include: 1) tire size, design, condition (new versus worn) and loading; 2) vehicle type, size, condition (new versus old) and speed; 3) traffic volumes; 4) pavement porosity; and 5) pavement surface texture. Assuming all other factors are constant, the traffic noise levels will vary with variation in pavement surface characteristics such as porosity or texture. Therefore, to minimize tire-pavement noise, the type of pavement surface and/or the associated texturization are of paramount importance.
Quiet pavement is designed specifically to reduce highway noise. Many factors play a role in the generation of sound due to tire-pavement interaction. These include: 1) tire size, design, condition (new versus worn) and loading; 2) vehicle type, size, condition (new versus old) and speed; 3) traffic volumes; 4) pavement porosity; and 5) pavement surface texture. Assuming all other factors are constant, the traffic noise levels will vary with variation in pavement surface characteristics such as porosity or texture. Therefore, to minimize tire-pavement noise, the type of pavement surface and/or the associated texturization are of paramount importance.