Evaluation of the outflow meter in colorado

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Robert F. LaForce Lowell B. Steere
Nama Penerbit
Colorado State Library
Tahun Terbit
July 1978
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

The Outflow Meter evaluation procedures used by Colorado closely followed the guidelines recommended by the FHWA. Preliminary test sites were chosen from two primary sources. First, as many as practical of the speed gradient sections from the "Skid Number-Speed Gradient Testing in Colorado" (October 1976) report were used. Following this search, the field data from the "1977 State Highway Sufficiency Rating and Needs Study" were reviewed to find locations with the range of skid numbers necessary for this evaluation.

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Evaluation of the outflow meter in colorado

The Outflow Meter evaluation procedures used by Colorado closely followed the guidelines recommended by the FHWA. Preliminary test sites were chosen from two primary sources. First, as many as practical of the speed gradient sections from the "Skid Number-Speed Gradient Testing in Colorado" (October 1976) report were used. Following this search, the field data from the "1977 State Highway Sufficiency Rating and Needs Study" were reviewed to find locations with the range of skid numbers necessary for this evaluation.

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