Evaluation of Factors that Affect Total Cost of Ownership in Support of Transjakarta's Electric Bus Adoption Plans

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Adhi Triatmojo, Ahmad Safrudin, Francisco Posada, Mega Kusumaningkatma, Ray Minjares
Nama Penerbit
International Council on Clean Transportation
Tahun Terbit
April 2023
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik
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Evaluation of Factors that Affect Total Cost of Ownership in Support of Transjakarta's Electric Bus Adoption Plans

Adopting zero-emission electric buses (e-buses) for public transit presents significant challenges for fleet owners and operators. Transjakarta, the largest bus transit system in Indonesia, has an ambitious plan to fully transition to e-buses by 2030. That transition requires a better understanding of the main factors that affect capital and operational costs of conventional and e-buses in local conditions. This study reviews those factors for the 12m e-bus in the Transjakarta system. Further, it provides operational and policy recommendations to bolster the competitiveness of e-bus
technology. Finally, we apply total cost of ownership (TCO) methodology to both conventional and e-bus technologies to explore the main factors that affect costs (bus activity in annual kilometers driven, contract duration, fuel and electricity prices, and taxes and fees).

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