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This paper presents an attempt to provide an analytical tool for the prediction of crack widths in conventionally reinforced structures using fiber reinforced concrete. The paper covers experimental and analytical characterization of the FRC material in uniaxial tension, and derivation and presentation of a crack width model which utilizes this information about the behavior of the FRC material in unixial tension. Finally, we discuss the reduction in conventional reinforcement which -- according to the model -- can be made with three different steel fiber reinforced concretes.
This paper presents an attempt to provide an analytical tool for the prediction of crack widths in conventionally reinforced structures using fiber reinforced concrete. The paper covers experimental and analytical characterization of the FRC material in uniaxial tension, and derivation and presentation of a crack width model which utilizes this information about the behavior of the FRC material in unixial tension. Finally, we discuss the reduction in conventional reinforcement which -- according to the model -- can be made with three different steel fiber reinforced concretes.