Eupave contribution of concrete pavements to the safety of tunnels in case fire

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Carlos Jofré, JoaquÍn Romero, Rafael Rueda
Nama Penerbit
EUPAVE European Concrete Paving Association
Tahun Terbit
December 2010
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

In this document, the results of different fire tests in several countries on the behaviour of asphalt and concrete used for pavements are analyzed. It has been found that asphalt has a high calorific value, igniting rapidly after being heated and emitting toxic gases. In addition, asphalt concrete loses its mechanical characteristics (after ignition, only aggregates are still present but are no longer bound by asphalt).

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Eupave contribution of concrete pavements to the safety of tunnels in case fire

In this document, the results of different fire tests in several countries on the behaviour of asphalt and concrete used for pavements are analyzed. It has been found that asphalt has a high calorific value, igniting rapidly after being heated and emitting toxic gases. In addition, asphalt concrete loses its mechanical characteristics (after ignition, only aggregates are still present but are no longer bound by asphalt).

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