Equitable land use for Asian Infrastructure

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Piyush Tiwari, Grant B. Stillman, and Naoyuki Yoshino
Nama Penerbit
Asian Development Bank Institute
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Developing Asia’s demand for high-quality, integrated infrastructure requires a steady but equitable supply of land. However, obtaining rights over land for infrastructure development can be complicated by hurdles imposed by geography, settlement patterns, conflicting cultures, sociopolitical factors, complexity of land rights, poor land records and cadastre, and land use problems unique to each country. This book addresses the question of equitable land management for infrastructure in Asia.

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Equitable land use for Asian Infrastructure

Developing Asia’s demand for high-quality, integrated infrastructure requires a steady but equitable supply of land. However, obtaining rights over land for infrastructure development can be complicated by hurdles imposed by geography, settlement patterns, conflicting cultures, sociopolitical factors, complexity of land rights, poor land records and cadastre, and land use problems unique to each country. This book addresses the question of equitable land management for infrastructure in Asia.

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