Electric Buses: Finding The Right Business Model Insights on IFC’s Support for Market Creation and Early-Stage Project Development

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Nama Pengarang
Indo Lazaro Aranda, Madalina Pruna, Daniel Pulido
Nama Penerbit
International Finance Corporation
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Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik
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Electric Buses: Finding The Right Business Model Insights on IFC’s Support for Market Creation and Early-Stage Project Development

Enhancing mobility for people and goods is a key driver of economic growth and access to opportunities in emerging markets. However, transportation is also a carbon-intensive activity that generates greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and local pollutants. Making transportation sustainable will require scaling up public and private investment in transportation methods which use little or no fossil fuel. Electric mobility (e-mobility) offers an attractive solution in many regions. IFC supports the development and scale up of investments in e-mobility in emerging markets, bringing the world closer to a low-carbon future.

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