Effects of Rainfall Intensity, Pavement Cross Slope, Surface Texture, and Drainage Length on Pavement Water Depths

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Nama Pengarang
Bob M. Gallaway, Robert E. Schiller, Jr., Jerry G. Rose
Nama Penerbit
Texas Transportation Institute
Tahun Terbit
May 1971
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Reported herein are the results of a study concerned with determining the amount of water which can be expected to exist on various pavement types under normal ranges of pavement cross slopes, rainfall intensities,
pavement textures, and drainage lengths. Equations are developed which relate these variables and their relative effects to water depth. Results are presented in both tabular and graphic form. Background information are pertinent past research pertaining to hydraulics of water flow over paved surfaces are given.

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Effects of Rainfall Intensity, Pavement Cross Slope, Surface Texture, and Drainage Length on Pavement Water Depths
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