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A strain hardening cementitous composite (SHCC) with extreme tensile ductility exceeding 2% was used to construct a link slab for a jointless bridge deck on Grove Street bridge over I-94 in Michigan, USA. The superior ductility of SHCC was expected to accommodate bridge deck deformations imposed by girder deflection, concrete shrinkage, and temperature variations, providing a cost-effective solution to a number of deterioration problems associated with bridge deck joints. Three days after placement on the bridge in fall 2005, early age cracking was found in the link slab. Although these cracks are small, about half the size allowable by ASSHTO, and they are bridged by fibers with load carrying capability, it is desirable to eliminate such early age cracking as much as possible.
A strain hardening cementitous composite (SHCC) with extreme tensile ductility exceeding 2% was used to construct a link slab for a jointless bridge deck on Grove Street bridge over I-94 in Michigan, USA. The superior ductility of SHCC was expected to accommodate bridge deck deformations imposed by girder deflection, concrete shrinkage, and temperature variations, providing a cost-effective solution to a number of deterioration problems associated with bridge deck joints. Three days after placement on the bridge in fall 2005, early age cracking was found in the link slab. Although these cracks are small, about half the size allowable by ASSHTO, and they are bridged by fibers with load carrying capability, it is desirable to eliminate such early age cracking as much as possible.