Duties of the engineering supervisor (ES) or safe work leader (SWL) in a possession 21-054-DEV

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Nama Penerbit
Rail Safety and Standards Board
Tahun Terbit
5 September 2020
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Where work is undertaken under Engineering Supervisor (ES) Worksite arrangements within Birmingham New Street station area (defined as only where there is the 10mph permissible line speed), the required 100m separation between Work-Site Marker Board (WSMB) and work activity cannot be established. This is due to the compact nature of the location; a need to maintain operational routes and train stabling through the station during possessions, and access requirement for maintenance standard tasks / reactive faulting activities and programmed enhancement / renewal work.

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Duties of the engineering supervisor (ES) or safe work leader (SWL) in a possession 21-054-DEV
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