Durable photocatalyc thin coating for road applications

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Julien G. Mahy , Carlos A. Paez , Jonas Hollevoet , Luc Courard , Elia Boonen , Stéphanie D. Lambert
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Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

In this study, 6 different coatings have been developed as photocatalytic coatings based on TiO2, which can be applied to concrete for road applications. The goal of these coatings is to degrade pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds emitted by road transport. The coatings are synthesized by sol-gel process in organic or water solvent or by a functionalization technique with hydroxybenzoic acid on commercial TiO2 nanoparticles (P25). These suspensions are deposited by dip-coating or spray-coating on three different concrete substrates: pavement blocks, brushed or exposed aggregates road concrete. For each process, particular attention has been paid to the development of TiO2 synthesis that will be easily produced on a larger scale. The samples are characterized with photocatalytic test on NOx degradation, mechanical resistance test and resistance to freeze-thaw cycles in presence of de-icing salts. Except from the samples resulting from the sol-gel organic route, all other samples show a NOx degradation between 10 and 45%. From resistance point of view, the best coating is the TiO2 P25/E coating synthesized by functionalization of P25 nanoparticles. Results highlight that anatase TiO2 is well present at the surface of the sample and an optimal TiO2 loading exists for this coating. The TiO2 P25/E coating shows promising properties for road applications.

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Durable photocatalyc thin coating for road applications

In this study, 6 different coatings have been developed as photocatalytic coatings based on TiO2, which can be applied to concrete for road applications. The goal of these coatings is to degrade pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds emitted by road transport. The coatings are synthesized by a sol-gel process in organic or water solvent or by a functionalization technique with hydroxybenzoic acid on commercial TiO2 nanoparticles (P25). These suspensions are deposited by dip-coating or spray-coating on three different concrete substrates: pavement blocks brushed or exposed aggregates road concrete. For each process, particular attention has been paid to the development of TiO2 synthesis that will be easily produced on a larger scale. The samples are characterized with photocatalytic test on NOx degradation, mechanical resistance test and resistance to freeze-thaw cycles in presence of de-icing salts. Except from the samples resulting from the sol-gel organic route, all other samples show a NOx degradation between 10 and 45%. From resistance point of view, the best coating is the TiO2 P25/E coating synthesized by functionalization of P25 nanoparticles. Results highlight that anatase TiO2 is well present at the surface of the sample and an optimal TiO2 loading exists for this coating. The TiO2 P25/E coating shows promising properties for road applications.

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